Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine stretches back into the mists of antiquity. Plant pharmacopias in diverse parts of the world were developed by indigeneous peoples as part of their spiritual relationship with the environment that encompassed them. In China and in India in particular, complex herbal materia medicas were composed. Their plant medicines were understood not simply in terms of curative physical ingredients – what today we would call phytochemical components – but in terms of their overall energetic dynamics. Simply put, herbs are both physical and energetic agents.

Herbal MedicineModern drugs are still mostly derived either from plant extracts or from synthetic copies that have been artificially processed. This is why pharmaceuticals tend to have such long lists of dangerous side-effects, whereas herbs do not. Modern drugs are increasingly potent and specific in their target areas. Because they are not composed naturally, they will disrupt many of the delicate micro-processes that occur both at intra and at inter-cellular levels within the human being. These potentially lethal effects of drugs are at the origin of much chronic disease affecting us in the developed world, where deadly pharmacological side-effects can sometimes surface many years after the drug was first ingested.

By contrast, herbs are by and large safe, especially when taken in an herbalist's formula, and when the ingredients are certified organic and pesticide free. Herbs are whole components respresenting the unbroken wholeness of nature. When they are combined into traditional formulas, their efficacy is often enhanced through balance and synergy.

How Can These Herbs Help Me?

What About The Dangers of Drug-Herb Interactions?

Herbal MedicineDespite a barrage of negative propaganda from the mainstream media and medical profession, drug-herb interactions are normally quite safe. In fact, it is the drugs that ought to be seen as the culprits since very few drugs are actually truly safe, even without interacting with herbs. Most commonly prescribed drugs have multiple known side-effects. Drugs are all assessed a therapeutic index, which determines the quantitative difference between a helpful dose and a harmful dose. (This does not, however, take into consideration the side-effects of what is considered a “helpful” dose). Drugs with a narrow therapeutic index could potentially interact with herbs, and so the patient must make it clear if they are taking any of the following drugs with a known narrow therapeutic index: tricyclic antidepressants, warfarin (Coumadine), theophylline, phenytoin (Dilantin), digoxin, digitoxin, lanoxin or lithium (Lithabid).

These possible negative scenarios can be avoided by careful prescription of herbal doses and ingredients. The main concern is to ensure that any overdose or underdose effect of drugs is not contributed to by herbal interaction.

What About Heavy Metals And Pesticide Residues?

Herbal MedicineWe only carry highest quality herbs that have been carefully screened and lab-tested for purity. Many of these are also certified organic or wild crafted.

In What Form Do These Herbs Come?

There are various forms: tablets, soft-gel capsules, tinctures, teas or granules.

How Often And For How Long Should I Be Taking These Herbs?

That depends. Chinese herbs are usually taken three times daily. Ayurvedic herbs are most often taken twice daily. Herbs are best absorbed on an empty stomach. The length of time to take the herbs will vary depending on how long the person has had the problem. Usually, the longer the problem has been around, the longer the course of herbs. For an acute problem, sometimes a few days is all that is required.
