
Why Is Mercury So Dangerous To Our Health?

The human body is an extremely complex meta-system: a system composed of many interacting sub-systems. To nourish and renew itself, it relies on its metabolic system. The metabolic system is, in turn, composed of many smaller, component systems, or pathways. Most of these pathways involve enzymes. Mercury interferes with many of these pathways, inactivating enzymes and grabbing on to essential nutrients. This causes havoc as both brain and body rely on metabolic consistency for normal functioning. Just imagine a country where the supply and distribution of raw materials has been sabotaged: the entire economy might swiftly be shut down.

Mercury is one of several heavy metals – alongside arsenic, cadmium, lead, titanium and others – that can effectively “shut down” our health. This occurs mainly through disruption of the body's transsulfuration pathways. Transsulfuration pathways are metabolic events involving the element sulfur, a mineral which is present in all proteins. Because sulfur is omnipresent in proteins, mercury can bind with it anywhere in the body: mercury has free reign, the keys to the kingdom.

Above all, Mercury has a strong affinity for thiols, which are organic compounds containing sulfhydryls - univalent radicals containing sulfur and hydrogen. However, precisely because of Mercury's affinity for thiols, these substances can also be used to chelate (remove) Mercury out of the system. (Think of it as dredging out toxic sludge from the bed of a lake). We will look into this positive chelation of Mercury by thiols later in this article.

Circulatory SystemMercury is very strongly attracted to the following four amino acids: cysteine, cystine, methionine and taurine. By binding with them, it forms toxic compounds (mercaptides), and depletes the availability of these four amino acids for building protein, and for other essential metabolic functions.

Mercury can also interfere with the base groups out of which our DNA is formed, with cellular membrane transport systems, and even with the placenta through its “grabbing” effects on sulfhydryls. Mercury disrupts absorption and distribution of many key nutrients including calcium, zinc, trace minerals selenium and rubidium, plus Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Disruption of these pathways can cause severe psychiatric symptoms as well as debilitation of immune response.

Mercury damages DNA in another way too: like cancer cells, Mercury creates intracellular acidity by reducing oxygenation of the human cell. Oxygen transport through the cell membrane relies on sodium and calcium movement into the cell. Mercury, like cancer cells, disturbs this transport of sodium and calcium. This disruption raises the PH in cells. Acidification of the cellular environment leads to deterioration of cellular integrity (premature aging) and affects DNA in the cellular nucleus. Hence, replication of the cell itself is disrupted through damage and possible mutation to the genes.

Mercury weakens the immune system in the following ways: by “grabbing” on to selenium, it disables the selenoenzyme pathway of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). Glutathione peroxidase is the chief intracellular antioxidant, protecting the cell from free radical damage. Such damage from free radicals can both degenerate the cell (again, premature aging) or lead to genome damage, predisposing the system to cancers. By robbing the body of selenium ( a key precursor to glutathione peroxidase), Mercury acts in a similar way to HIV1. (The deleterious actions of HIV 1 upon the body have much more to do with depletion of glutathione peroxidase than to direct viral effects upon CD 4cells).*

This is therefore very important to consider: the actions of Mercury share similarities with both HIV 1 and with cancer cells. Since selenium is a vital protector against both of these diseases, we can clearly discern a negative synergy and an active compatibility between them and the toxic heavy metal Mercury. Further, it is known that Mercury also inhibits cytotoxic CD 8 and Natural Killer Cell activation, thus weakening the immune response against cancer.

Mercury does not only damage white blood cell response, it also negatively affects red blood cells. It does so by inactivating the enzyme G6PD, which in turn causes a reduction in the permeability of red blood cell membranes. Damage to the membrane can then lead to cell death. Destruction of red blood cells, or distortion of their membranes obviously interferes with the transport of key nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, severely weakening it and generating a vicious cycle of depletion. Furthermore, Mercury also interferes with ATP, the mitochondrial powerhouse of the cell: its chief energy distributor.

Besides damage to red blood cell membranes, Mercury can also cause hypertension through its interference with key amino acids such as taurine, serine, threonine and methionine. Interference with methionine also disturbs methylation processes: disruption of methylation can interfere with DNA replication (and cellular renewal), and can cause high elevations of homocysteine (strongly linked with heart disease). Over or under-methylation states have clear correlations with mental illness, in particular clinical depression and various geno-types of bipolar disorder.

How Does Mercury Get Into Our Systems?

There are various modes of entry::

  1. Lake and Ocean Fish and seafood
  2. Vaccines
  3. Pesticides and herbicides
  4. Fluorescent tube lighting (contains mercury vapor)
  5. Dental fillings (which also emit vapors)

How Do We Get The Mercury Out?

First, anyone with mercury amalgams should consult with a dentist highly experienced and knowledgeable in mercury removal. This is a delicate procedure and requires expert understanding on the dentist's part. Even once all amalgam fillings have been removed, this does not mean however, that the body has been cleansed of Mercury. We have seen how, thorough its binding affinity with thiols, Mercury can infiltrate itself systemically throughout the body. The solution then resides in chelating the bad stuff out. There are several ways of doing this orally.

  1. The first is to take a comprehensive detox supplement containing powerful chelating agents. One such product is Essential Daily Defense (www.longevityplus.com). Please note that anyone taking this product must ensure that they are also taking a comprehensive multi-mineral or multi-vitamin along with it.
  2. A second way is to take zeolite. Zeolites form when molten lava gorges out into bodies of water - lakes or ocean. One sub-type of zeolite is called clinoptilolite. The structure of this mineral closely resembles a honeycomb. This honeycomb structure allows it to capture Mercury and mercaptides and send them out of the body for elimination. It will also trap other heavy metals as well as viral particles, and dispel them via the urine or feces. Clinoptilolite itself, when properly processed, is non-toxic, and has an FDA rating of G.R.A.S. - (Generally Recognized As Safe). Zeolite is available as Natural Cellular Defense made by Waiora. It is taken as drops ( 3 drops three times a day in water or other liquid).
  3. A third oral means of chelating out Mercury is to take a high quality cilantro tincture along with high quantities of chlorella. (For a good cilantro tincture, please visit www.sacredmedicinesanctuary.com).
  4. A fourth way of removing Mercury and other heavy metals involves bio-resonance frequencies, which can antidote the operating frequencies of the heavy metal toxins lodged in the body. This effectively means that the offending substances become “broken up” or “broken down” at a molecular level, enabling the body to remove the wastes more easily.
  5. All of the above methods can be safely combined.


This self-care page is meant to inform, and is for educational purposes only. In no way is it intended to evaluate, diagnose or to treat any condition or disease, nor to replace consultation with a qualified health professional. It is strongly recommended that no-one seek to reduce or to discontinue any medication they may be on without prior discussion with their physician.
